Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Cyber Smart new learning

Using ExplainEverything app

Today (Tuesday 4th August) Mrs Grant and Elena showed us how to use ExplainEverything app.

We have been learning how to take a screenshot in our Ipads by holding the Home button and the sleep button at the same time

Look what Palu created...

He can draw an Ipad using the pencil by changing the width of the pencil and the colour.
Palu took at screenshot of his Ipad and inserted it onto his pencil drawing.
Palu is so clever.

Then.... Mrs Grant noticed we were colouring in our shapes. She showed us how to use the bucket fill tool to colour in our shapes.

We drew balloons and shapes and used the bucket tool to fill it.

Check out what Vaiana created...

Wow.. Look what Palu created as well.

Room 11 is lucky to have some experts to help use ExplainEverything app.

Thank you Palu and Vaiana for sharing your new learning and creation.


  1. Hi Room 11
    What superstars you are in your learning. I like how you are learning to create your digital drawing using Explain Everything app. Keep up Learning, Creating and Sharing.

  2. Kia Ora

    Hi Room 11 It me Kalolaine I just want to say Wow This is amzaming I like your Work and when i come to your class i was so happy

  3. Wow Room 11, it looks like you have been learning lots of cool new things to do on your iPads. Keep up the wonderful work.

    From Miss Smith

  4. Love the drawings Vaiana and Palu! Super cool balloons!! Thanks to Mrs Grant and Elena for assisting our students with this fantastic app!

  5. Hi Room 11 ... wow looks like you are having fun using and exploring Explain Everything. Keep up the wonderful mahi!

  6. HI Room 11!! Wow it looks Cool Room 11 and keep it Up!! Room 11
