We are Back at School
We are doing our class google hangout and together we are doing Zumba. By Daniel.
This is our class hangout. We are doing a hangout and we can see who is on our class TV. By Jordan.
I love listening to Daniel read his book on our class hangout. By Kalolaine.
Our class is doing Zumba with our students at home. They are on our class hangout. By Joel.
We are at the hall with Room 8 and we are doing Kiwi Sports. We are learning how to do an under arm throw. I am good at under arm throw. By Sosaia.
I catch the ball. I throw to my buddy Kalolaine. By Sosaia.
Mrs Forsyth and I are trying to work together. I am throwing the tennis ball to Mrs Forsyth. She is catching it using the cone. By Joel.
I am using the cone to catch the ball. My buddy Diamond is throwing the ball to me. By Daniel.